2018 (Album)
Paradise Lost is a concept album set in a post-apocalyptic world. With an elaborate storyworld, made-up brands, locations, characters and products, Paradise Lost ties storytelling, science-fiction, retro-futurism and nostalgia with musical allusions. It expands the world conceived in Tales From The Future, while establishing the tone and direction of future projects to come.
2012 - 20 (Inactive)
Tales From The Future is Inal Bilsel's seminal audio-visual set, an effervescent mixture of nostalgia, retrofuturism, a distinct visual and sound world, but above all, an experience. Tales appeared on Sonar Istanbul and Salon IKSV and on numerous festivals and dozens of venues and pop-up events throughout Cyprus.Explore the visual world of Tales. Insert simtape!

2013 - Active
ADP is a cover band with an eclectic repertoire of upbeat left-field songs. Their sets are marked by stark contrasts, from a handful of classic rock favourites to contemporary genres such as Synthwave. The music they cover includes Daft Punk, Roosevelt, Metronomy, David Bowie, Tame Impala, Pink Floyd, among others.

2018 (Inactive)
A side project of long-time collaborators Inal Bilsel and Emre Yazgın, Side Effect serves as a platform for experimentation for both musicians. The duo has previously worked on Inal’s studio albums including his latest album Paradise Lost. Side Effect appeared on Nicosia Loop Festival (2018).

With a penchant to explore improvised happy accidents on the spot, Inal has organized, or took part in dozens of jamming sessions. What made these events special was the fact that the entire material were conceived on the spot, focusing on the interaction of the musicians. These sessions were named: DeFacto Dreams, Meet the Family, and Electronic Journey on various occasions.

2011-2013 (Inactive)
Lead by singer-songwriter Sertunç Akdoğu, Gommalar was a four piece band comprised of Onur Kasapoğlu, Görkem Müniroğlu and Inal Bilsel. Performing solely Sertunç's songs, Gommalar performed in many local festivals, fairs and gatherings. Perhaps one of Inal's better known works Pembe Koyun had its origins on this band. After being disbanded, Inal and Sertunç formed a short lived duo that explored new grounds with their performances using then-cutting-edge iPad based live looping.

1996-1999 (Inactive)
Inal's high-school band, but with his signature twist. Comprised of like-minded friends, Weird Flower Box performed their own acid-jazz influenced tracks, as well as a few video-game soundtracks and cover songs. Culminating at a University campus performance, WFB disbanded, leaving found memories and a milestone from which Inal developed his passion for creating his own music.